Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Captain Phillips

懂得演戏并且把每个角色都演好的演员毕竟不多,Tom Hanks算是其中之一了,刚刚看了他落力演出的Captain Phillips。真人真事改编的海盗挟持人质电影。

Tom Hanks饰演一位勇敢且“真实”的货船船长,对,就是真实的,因为由头到尾没有一丝打算出风头的英雄表现;用尽一切现有的所有资源来保护船员的尽责船长。



  1. Dear Hor,

    You are invited to participate in a research study. The Institute of Policy Studies is conducting a baseline analysis of the Chinese blogosphere.

    While much has been discussed about English blogs, very little attention has been given to non-English blogs. As part of our study, we are conducting a survey to find out more about Chinese bloggers’ blogging practices, topics of interest and motivations for blogging.

    If you are interested to find out more about the survey, please contact me at sim.juiliang@nus.edu.sg and I will send you a link to the study.

    The survey will last 15-20 minutes. Your participation will be an invaluable contribution to the first study on the Chinese blogosphere.

    We look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thank you.

    Sim Jui Liang
    Research Assistant
    Institute of Policy Studies
    National University of Singapore

  2. Hi,

    I came across your website and your pictures are different. How much will you charge to film the wedding day at Batu Pahat on 20th Sept? It is a Chinese Wedding.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,
